Thanks to the brilliant Buried Treasure Discord community, we now have ourselves a book club! Except for games. So a games club. But that sounds like… oh never mind. I stupidly called the Discord channel the “Ultro Game Club”, and so for better or worse, that’s what it’s called. And thanks to the rigorous principles of Solonian democracy, and the hard work of one Terry, we’ve picked our first game! It’s Lenna’s Inception, and if you bought the itch.io Racial Justice mega-bundle, you already own it.

The plan for the Buried Treasure Ultro Game Club is to pick a new game at the end of each month, and then discuss it with the extraordinarily welcoming and good-spirited Buried Treasure community. I’ll be playing each game too, and writing up my thoughts on the site come the end of the month. I also want to include short thoughts by any readers who want to contribute in the club, so we have a lovely cosy fireside chat type feel.
I’ve started playing Lenna’s Inception, and can tell you it’s an awful lot like if Zelda were a roguelite. In a good way. There’s a continuous story mode, shorter challenges, and the option to create your own seed to play the story within. The chosen seed name people are using for the Club is “BTreasure”, and that’s what I’m using.

As I say, if you got the itch.io game bundle, then you can find Lenna’s Inception in there. If not, it’s available on itch.io and Steam, for £7/$10-ish. It’s a great fun time, with an often deeply peculiar sense of humour, varying from dad jokes to surprisingly dark. And fair boss fights!
I’ll be back with a review at the end of the month, and hopefully you will be too!
Please do come join our Discord. It’s the loveliest group of people.
All Buried Treasure articles are funded by Patreon backers. If you want to see more reviews of great indie games, please consider backing this project.
Great idea!! This was once part of the RPS Subscriber but I remember it didn’t really take off, so I hope this time around its a success! Will love to get stuck in.
This is awesome! Come join us! We totally will not eat you!